Advertisers do their best by applying various tactics to attract users` attention to a product or service they promote. Finding new promotional avenues via an...
Learn to build your own pipeline quickly, support go-to-market strategies and generate real results fast with Pipeline Generator, a lead gen skills accelerator built exclusively...
Digital Kungfu is focusing on helping technology companies tell their stories and grow market share in a fast, cost-effective way. You can’t be everything to...
Speed is the new currency in marketing. To deliver on fast, affordable and effective campaigns for UK-based technology clients, Digital Kungfu continues to pioneer Agile...
Bad data is costing UK-based businesses millions each year. Most businesses understand the need for a customer relationship management (CRM) system. They invest in a...
Independent Software Vendors that can increase customer retention and decrease churn will significantly increase their profit margins. According to research conducted by OutboundEngine, increasing customer...
The world is more competitive than ever before. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated change in an unprecedented way and decision makers are reevaluating the businesses...
Higher marketing budgets are increasingly being allocated to Account Based Marketing (ABM) as it continues to deliver real results for businesses in the ICT sector....
In a world flooded with online messaging, Digital Kungfu is cutting through the clutter to drive awareness and engagement for technology brands. Buyers today have...