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SEO Strategies: How SEOZoom Can Help

According to statistics, 67,000 searches are undertaken on Google every second of the day. A staggering 93% of online interactions start by inputting a keyword or phrase into a search engine. Over 50% of these searches are done from a mobile device and 46% of searches are looking for local businesses.

Perhaps, most concerning is the fact that 80% of internet users won’t look at paid ads. With so much emphasis on the search, you have to get your SEO strategy right.

In short, Search Engine Optimisation is essential to the success of any modern business. To flourish you need an online presence and it needs to be carefully cultivated. This will enable increased brand awareness, customer base, and even the relevance of your product.

But, to achieve all of this, you need the right SEO tools. That means a system you can trust to give you all the necessary information, show relevant statistics, and even help to guide you and your business forward.

SEOZoom offers a way to achieve all your SEO goals. You may even be surprised at what they offer.

What Is SEOZoom?

SEOZoom was created in Italy and is listed as both the first and the most comprehensive Italian SEO tool available. The business was started in 2012 by Ivano Di Biasi and Giuseppe Liguori who have decades of experience in software development.

At first, the business focused on offering consultancy services and building SEO strategies for clients. This real-world experience helped them realize that the existing software products were lacking. In order to remedy this, they created their own product.

SEOZoom was launched in December 2015 after more than a year of development and testing. The wait was worth it. Today, the SEOZoom software suite has over 25,000 Italian clients and is rapidly expanding across Europe.

Introducing The SEOZoom Suite

The first thing to know about SEOZoom is that they offer a free trial. To access the trial version you simply need to fill out an online form with your name, email address, phone number, and create a password. You’ll then be given seven days to test the software.

That’s enough to explore the key features and determine that it’s the right product for you, also thanks to the help of the extensive free resources available.

Web Page Optimisation

SEOZoom will inspect every page on your website to assess the SEO performance. It does this in real-time and then provides you with a breakdown of how each page can be improved to maximize SEO exposure.

As part of this, it will track SERPs, automatically showing you weaknesses and overlooked potential in your SEO projects.

Text Editing

No matter how hard you try, some errors will sneak into your text. SEOZoom can help you identify weak spots and correct the text. It also checks the content created by competitors, giving you a broader idea of why their text is getting a better response, and advising you accordingly!

Search Analysis

The search analysis offered by SEOZoom is potentially the best on the market. It thoroughly analyses all search terms and questions to identify what the user is searching for and what problems they are looking to solve.

This will help you offer effective solutions, create specific content, and fully understand your consumer. That means you can provide the best possible version of your platform.


The reports offered by SEOZoom are comprehensive. It’s possible to customize them to generate the information you deem most important. In fact, the software talks you through the process with a simple and intuitive drag and drop system, also giving you the chance to schedule automatic reports over time of your site’s performance.

SEO Spider

A fantastic feature of SEOZoom is its technical SEO Spider. This tool will crawl your pages in-depth to locate any possible technical issue affecting them. This will allow you to timely correct them and you’ll be surprised at how much difference this makes to your SEO results.


SEOZoom is available for everyone. The Lite plan is just €59 + vat per month and covers 2 project slots, 500 pages to be crawled by the Spider, and 200 keywords to monitor.

Alternatively, you can subscribe the professional plan which gives you 10 projects, 1,000 scannable pages, and monitors 1,000 keywords. This is just €79 + vat.

There’s also a business option for €169 + vat covering 60 projects and 6,000 keywords, and a corporate option for €569 + vat which offers unlimited projects and 30,000 keywords.

In short, there is a price point that suits all businesses.

Summing Up

There are several good SEO software platforms available. However, SEOZoom is the Italian suite 100% easy to use, attractively priced, and that offers one of the most comprehensive packages in the industry.

Image Credit: creativeart on Freepik

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